今日の午後は Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa という、壮大な建物(下画像参照)に展示されているアート作品を鑑賞しながらのんびりと過ごしています。この美術館は、ケープタウンハーバーにあった歴史ある穀物サイロ(穀物倉庫)を改装し、刺激的で芸術的なエッセンスを加えた素晴らしい建物です。まさに目の保養!若さと新鮮さにあふれる展示作品の数々…観光客や地元の人々は作品に心満たされ、館内の雰囲気は穏やかで和みます。ある部屋に入ると、女の子が絵を熱心に見入っていました。彼女のそばを通り過ぎようとしたとき、彼女は私ににっこり笑いかけました。その時、彼女がダウン症であることに気づきました。私も微笑み返したところ、「この絵、素敵だと思わない?」と尋ねられたので、改めてその絵を見ました。実際のところ、私の好みではありませんでしたが、はっきりした色使いは私好みでした。それから彼女と一緒に話しながら、今までとは別の視点で再び鑑賞を続けると、不思議なことに、他の絵も私好みのものに見えてきたのです。
Looks can be deceiving
I spent the afternoon peacefully wandering around the Zeitz Mocaa Gallery today looking in wonder at the artwork displayed in the magnificent building. It’s a visual feast. The building has been skilfully carved out of an old granary in the Cape Town harbour and been given an exciting new architectural twist. The paintings are young and fresh, there was a contented flow of tourists and locals and the atmosphere was calm and restful.I walked into a room and saw a young girl standing staring at a painting. When I passed her, she smiled widely at me and I realised she had Down’s Syndrome. I smiled back and she asked me if Ithought it was a beautiful painting. I looked it and admitted that it wasn’t my style, but I liked the bold use of colour and she walked with me, talking about the other paintings with such passion that I looked at them again and decided they could be my style after all.
This was interesting for two reasons. The first was that I noticed that she was different, but because I responded to her smile, she changed my view of that particular kind of painting and the way I thought about them. The second was that when I first saw the painting, I didn’t particularly like it, but when I paused to look at it more carefully, I changed my mind.
Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes something quite ordinary can turn out to be quite extraordinary if you spend a bit of time really looking at it. It’s the same with people. Someone you could pass over because they don’t fit into your preferred profile could turn out to be your very best friend. Don’t ever disregard anyone. Give everyone a fair chance. Be kind. It’s worth slowing down to find something new.