※私が受講しているのは 「中級インテンシブ・プログラム」の全12回。
今回のお題は、Lesson 9の続き。
アジア進出を目指す会社が、わが社のマーケティング支援サービスに興味を持っており、担当者Mr. Borazとやり取りをしています。
Mr. Borazの返信に、「我々のアジア進出までの、マーケティング支援スケジュール、プロセスを教えてほしい。」との事でした。
我々は、1年前、6か月前、3か月前の3ステップで調査、宣伝支援を進めて行きます。どんな方法手段で進めて行くか、をstep by stepで分かりやすく説明し、イメージしてもらいます。
To: Scott Boraz <sboraz@intooit.com>
From: K. Ideguchi <ideguchi@hkmarketing.com>
Date: March 12, 20XX
Subject: Re:Request for information
Dear Mr. Boraz,
Thank you for your prompt reply and also your continuous interest in our company. We are glad to hear that our company meets your needs.
=[1st paragraphで手短に、引き続き興味を持っていただいていることへの感謝を述べる。]
With regard of your question of our schedule for our market research, we have three steps to go till our client actually starts their business in a foreign country.
[=2nd paragraphで、Mr. Borazの返信にある『 could you tell us what kind of schedule you envision for your market research?』の質問に答える。ここで、3ステップでサービス支援をすることを説明。]
First, we conduct Market research to find targets’ preferences and purchasing habits one year before our client plans to move into a market. After the research, we will have a meeting to discuss the surveys to identify the target customers, their needs, and products. After the first meeting, we will provide weekly follow up meetings to narrow down and refine targets.
And then, we will research again and analyze the data six months before your moving into a market. After that, we will offer weekly meetings to assess survey progress and data.
Our last step is done three months before your market entry. We will start advertising campaigns and public information services notified of Intooit’s entry into the market and its products.
I hope our step-by-step service will help you imagine how our company can support you until your company actually starts your business in a country.
=[3rd paragraphで簡潔に、引き続きお問合せを頂いたことにお礼を述べ、またご意見があれば宜しくお願い致します、と述べる。]
Please feel free to contact me anytime as we are more than happy to answer to your further inquiries.
Thank you again for your reply and further interest in our service.
もうLesson 10、赤ナシで、「上達」を実感したいところです!